Setrics Tracker Vertical Playbook - Industries | FRANBOX


Specialties tailored to specific industries tailored for results

For starters, they are more than 600 businesses served in nearly 300 industries on multiple continents. In short, we sell to companies that advertise. These advertisers are generally not afraid to market and need a more refined and scientific system for purifying their marketing strategy, process, team and lead quality.
Vertical Playbook
Broker Playbook
Real Estate Companies: brokers from regional and local brokerages.
Builder Playbook
Construction companies: residential and commercial
Accountant Playbook
Accounting firms designed for bookkeeping, payroll, tax, and audits
Agent Playbook
Attorney Playbook
Attorneys: Law firms in local and regional firms that service multiple types of clients in multiple legal verticals
Dentist Playbook
Dentists: Single doctor practices up to multi-location national dental chains
Doctor Playbook
A multitude of doctors from: optometrists, ENT, surgeons, audiologists, health clinics, therapists and many more
E-tailer Playbook
E-tailers focused on product purchases on their website through robust e-commerce solutions
Plumber Playbook
Plumbers: local mom and pop shops and national chains
Retailer Playbook
Retailers: boutiques, automotive dealers, jewelery stores, restaurants, quilting shops and many more
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